Tips to Organize your Office

Sometimes all you need for a fresh start, is a clean work space.

Sometimes when things get overwhelming, the best thing you can do is change your work space.

I really loved the idea of the Four-Box Method by Joshua Becker.

You basically get 4 big boxes and label each one.

  • Box 1: Keep
  • Box 2: Trash
  • Box 3: Donate
  • Box 4: Relocate

Remove everything

The first thing you need to do is remove everything from your desk and drawers and put it into a big pile. And I’m not exaggerating. Remove everything from your office and put it into a big pile.

If you have a mobile office, same thing.

Get your 4 boxes labeled and let’s get to work.


This is everything you use on a daily basis. In this bin, you only want everything you need in arms reach. You don’t want to have to get up to get anything. When you sit down to work, you work; you shouldn’t have to be getting up and looking for things.

While you’re doing this step, you need to file any papers into proper folders/storage.

If you haven’t used something in 4 weeks, I want it to go into the “RELOCATE” box.


Get rid of everything you can. You need a clean and efficient office space to get some new energy and perspective in your business.

Stop holding onto things that don’t serve you. And for the love of all things holy, stop buying things you don’t need.


I think this was my biggest pile. There were so many things I had bought that I didn’t want to throw away, but I didn’t need to keep. I posted things on Facebook for people to come get if they wanted and I took boxes full of things to our local team meetings to give away.

What was left over on this box, all went to Goodwill.


This is something my friend Tiffany Wellinghoff taught me like 6 years ago. Divide your office into 3 zones:

  • Hot
  • Warm
  • Cold
  1. Hot zone is everything you need on a daily basis and within arms reach.
  2. Warm zone is everything you need maybe once a month or every couple weeks.
  3. Cold zone, you very rarely need it, but it’s important when you do.

Your RELOCATE box, is for your COLD ZONE. Label a box and put it in the basement or a closet so it can be easily located when you do need it.

Now, you have a fresh start and you can get to work! Tell us, on a scale of 1-5, how messy is your desk?

1 is spotless and 5 is a tragic mess.

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Get Control of your Email!

As we go into the New Year, one thing you should do is get control of your email.

Having an inbox full of messages, read or unread, is a time sucker. It not only wastes time, but it can also:

  1. decrease productivity
  2. cause you to miss important messages
  3. cause stress and anxiety
  4. waste time searching for important messages
  5. decrease your customer service (because you’re simply not staying on top of it)
  6. decrease bookings (oh, didn’t see that someone wanted to book a party)

…and so much more.

So what can you do about it?

  1. Set aside one hour a day until you have gone through every single message and either deleted it or put it into a folder. CLEAR YOUR INBOX.
  2. Start unsubscribing to every single email from stores, newsletters, and other unnecessary emails you get that you’ve been subscribed to all year long. Don’t just DELETE them, UNSUBSCRIBE so you stop getting an abundance of those on a daily/weekly basis.
  3. There’s also a site called Unroll Me (click here: ). This site will link to your email and allow you to mass unsubscribe from everything you’re subscribed to.

So who’s with me?

Let’s get organized! More New Year’s tips coming your way soon!

Want more tips? Join us over on Directly Social. CLICK HERE:

Melissa Fietsam @DirectlySocial

One Week of Simplifying Your Thirty-One Business-Part 5

This week we’ve been talking about simplifying your Thirty-One business for the new fiscal year!

Today…we’re going to talk about something that will save you so much TIME! And time…equals MONEY.


One of the BEST things I ever did for my business was discover Actually, a friend shared it with me.


Cinchshare is a social media scheduling site.

I hold at least 8-10 Thirty-One parties a month. And 90% of them run at the SAME TIME.

There is no possible way I could keep up with posting in every single event. NO WAY.

Before Cinchshare:

  1. I was a hot mess
  2. I was missing posts in parties
  3. i was worrying all the time about missing something because i was so scattered brained
  4. i was stressed out to the MAX, to the point where I HATED doing Facebook parties

After Cinchshare:

  1. I schedule every single Facebook party post in MY time. When the boys are napping. Or I have 20 minutes of peace and quiet. I can schedule an entire month’s worth of parties in 20 minutes.
  2. I can pin my Facebook posts to Pinterest
  3. I can schedule monthly posts and trainings to our Thirty-One team
  4. I am SO much happier knowing I have complete control over what’s going on in my business
  5. i’m never stressed out about doing Facebook parties and I’ve been doing more than EVER because you know what?! I have the TIME to develop new ideas for them and have FUN with them!
  6. also, because I’m scheduling trainings and party posts…I’m actually more INVOLVED with comments and posting!!

I highly encourage you to TRY Cinchshare. It is hands down one of the best business tools I have ever used. I have NEVER had a problem. Not ONE. And any time I have a question, I message the HELP button on the site and guess what?! A real LIVE person answers you!! Their customer service is TOP NOTCH!

Cinchshare will cost you $10 a month. The BEST $10 you ever spent. The cost of a couple cups of coffee a month. For peace of mind. You don’t see me promote a lot of things or people on this page because I have to 100%, wholeheartedly believe, without a doubt…that they deliver 100% customer service and that they will take care of who I refer them to. I take pride in my advice to you. And this…will change your business! Well worth it!

If you’d like to check them out…here’s a link to get started!! You won’t regret it! I can promise you that!!

Here’s a video that will show you some things you can do also!

Melisas Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts

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One Week of Simplifying Your Thirty-One Business-Part 4-Organize your Thirty-One Office

This week we’re talking all about how to simplify your business for the new fiscal year.

Today, we’re going to talk about organizing your office space to save you TIME.

Time is one of the most important things that is overlooked in the world of direct sales. Managing your time correctly and efficiently will bring you more success than you realize. With much less effort and much less frustration.

I really truly live and breathe by the Power Hour system. Working 20 minutes a day on one focused aspect of your business. And I have a ton of videos out there if you need more information on that.

But organizing your Thirty-One office space can be KEY to getting things done fast. And efficiently.

Here’s a video to show you how I use my office space to organize and maximize my TIME!


Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts

#31 #31bag #31bags #thirtyone #thirtyonegifts #organize #organizeoffice #timemanagement #officespace #directsales

Follow Up For Your Thirty-One Customers

Follow up is KEY! I’m willing to bet 90% of the field misses the mark when it comes to following up with their customers. Don’t. Be. That. Guy!

Check out this quick video and see how easy it is to have all your follow ups in one spot (and you’ll find the form to download below):

I’m a big believer in 3 contacts a day. 3 contacts a day to keep your business running strong. Whether you’re texting someone who had mentioned wanting to do a show, or you’re following up with a  potential recruit…follow up is key.

What can you use this for:

  1. potential recruits
  2. potential hostesses
  3. potential customers (maybe they commented on something they wanted)
  4. anytime you MAIL something, you need to follow up!
  5. someone said…maybe I can book a party in 3 months (WRITE IT DOWN!)
  6. you saw on FB that a customer was having surgery and wanted to send a card

*****AND SO MUCH MORE! Literally, anything you need to NOT forget and NOT misplace on a scratch piece of paper.

In the last 2 days, I have a potential recruit enrolling tonight and a huge fundraiser booked for October. All because I consistently followed up!

My recruit, she had placed a couple of large orders and I naturally told her she should enroll and place them as her own because this was the 2nd month in a row she was placing an order over $200. She said, no no. Then she messaged “ok, tell me more”. She said she was signing up the first of September. I messaged her, she hadn’t yet. So then I messaged her again this morning. And she said, got busy…call me tonight at 8:30! BAM! I’m adding another fabulous team member with GREAT potential!

My fundraiser…this was a guest at a home party from July. She wanted to do a huge fundraiser in September. Didn’t get much of a response sccheduling a date. So every few weeks I would send another message. Finally sent another message yesterday and she’s booked solid for October! Leadership Incentive Trip here I come:)

I’m only telling you these things because I want you to know that consistency on your part will be the key to your success in this business. People get busy. WE think about 31 all day long. They do not. When I send these follow up messages, they are QUICK~SHORT~and to the POINT! I do not want to intimidate, seem irritated, or seem pushy in any way. A Simple, hey Christina! Simply checking in to see if you wanted to grab a date in October for your fundraiser? Or, “hey Peggy! Checking in to see if you were still interested in enrolling. I’d love to help you get enrolled and get that party entered!”

Whatever you do, make sure you are following up. And if you don’t have anything to follow up on…go read the rest of my blog! You should be mailing some packets or mini catalogs out weekly. That way you HAVE 3 contacts a day to follow up with! Google Melissa Fietsam and 3 contacts a day and there’s a whole post on that!



Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts

#31 #31bag #31bags #thirtyone #thirtyonegifts #customercare #followup #directsales #thirtyonebags #contacts #organize #tracking #system

DELETE-You Have My Permission

One of my best friends, Tiffany Wellinghoff (genius #’s nerd friend of mine…she’s a midget too. And she always sends a text when I do this to her. So I LOVE it. LOL)… gave me one of the BEST tips ever!

She said you have my permission to DELETE and UNSUBSCRIBE.


Make yourself a challenge for this entire week. Every morning when you check your inbox, don’t just delete those pesky emails. UNSUBSCRIBE. Take one week to unsubscribe and get rid of some of the clutter in your inbox. It only takes a second to do, but you have to MAKE yourself do it.

So Payless Shoes, and concert ticket venues, and Staples, and Target, and QVC, and Aeropostale, and JC Penny, and New York & Company, and American Eagle, and the list goes on and on…STOP DELETING THEM and UNSUBSCRIBE!!

You have been challenged!!


The other thing is to DELETE. Block off 2 hours this week. Anywhere, just SOMEWHERE. Could be 30 minutes a day waiting for your kid to come out of football practice. Whatever it is, block it off. And go through every single daggone email in your inbox. And DELETE.

Start uncluttering your life.

It took me 2 and a half hours to get through all my emails yesterday. And I’m soooooo glad I did it. Kids are back in school. And I’ll be happy to take you along with me on my journey to getting back into my groove. They literally started back to school today. And I’m ready to ROCK this fall season. But I can’t do it without everything around me in order.

#GetAfterIt #MountainsToMove


Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts

#31 #31bag #31bags #thirtyone #thirtyonegifts #organize #backtoschool #workfromhome #tip #directsales #unclutter

Organize your email and follow ups in your direct sales business

So I’m starting something new today. I’m not sure how I never thought of this before. But I want to make sure I am keeping track of all of my follow up emails/texts/calls so I can provide 100% customer service. So I created a FOLDER in my email, hotmail account, called FOLLOW UP. 


Now, when I have someone request information on a fundraiser, or opportunity request, or maybe a customer who needed to do an exchange, whatever the case…I’ll deal with it and then move it to this folder.

Now, I’ve blocked 10 minutes on my calendar on Wednesday mornings to deal with follow ups. So I’ll go to this folder and see who I need to check in on. Or what return I can look up to give an update. Or what packet I mailed last week that I can follow up on. 

SO. EASY…right?!



In Direct Sales, the only thing that is going to set you apart from the 100,000 other consultants with the same goal as YOU…is giving 100% when it comes to customer service. Just a simple follow up to make sure someone got their product, or got your package, it can make all the difference in the world. These are some of the examples of emails I will be putting into my follow up folder

1. Order confirmations

2. Party shipments

3. returns

4. request for more information: party/fundraiser/opportunity/product and sales

5. team member has a question or concern

6. packets I’ve mailed

I’m sure I’ll find much more, but that’s a start to my new little 10 minute time block. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

Hope this helps someone else!

Melissa Fietsam,

Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts



#31 #31bag #31bags #thirtyone #thirtyonegifts #organize #timeblock #emails #directsales #calendar



Step 2: Organize Your Direct Sales Business in 2015

Useful APPs for Direct Sellers:

I’m going to be posting some ways for you to organize your business at the start of this FABULOUS New Year! Today, we’re going to talk about 2 applications you NEED to utilize on your phone. Drop box and Notes. 


Make sure you have the NOTES app handy on your phone. It looks like this:


My friend, Vanessa Taylor showed me this a couple of years ago. Copy and paste all information you might need into folders on this APP.

For example, if I get a home office lead, and I’m away from my computer, I can go into this APP and copy and paste my entire home office lead email! I also have a copy of the digital catalog link in case I need to text it someone. This has been a TOTAL life saver! The possibilities are endless with this! Here is an example of how your folders will look in the APP:


Anything that you find yourself repeating, put it in a folder here and save yourself the time of typing up a quick and blotched message when you’re on the go!

**And Kristin Whitlow just informed that you can copy and paste PICTURES into the NOTES app which makes it even BETTER! I’m so excited about that!

**someone asked the question, how do you copy and paste something you want in there from a document. I email the document I want to myself, not the document itself, but the content (so I can copy it). And then paste it into NOTES from there

The second APP you need to utilize is DROP BOX! If you are not using Drop Box, you’re not doing yourself any favors. I can access ANY file, anywhere, at anytime. 

And the biggest thing I use this for, is my catalog product cards. I downloaded the entire catalogs product cards and have access to them in ONE click from my phone. And the best part? They’re automatically put into alphabetical order in drop box. So when someone asks to see what patterns the zip top organizing utility totes come in…I just pull that product card and text it to them. Or someone orders a product in a pattern that doesn’t exist…I just just send them the product card with the patterns that ARE available. SO easy. And so productive when it comes to your time, and most importantly, your CUSTOMER SERVICE! Here is what the Drop Box app looks like:



You’ll want to download Drop Box on your computer first. Then load all of your current folders, into your Drop Box folder.  Just Google Drop Box!

What’s really cool about putting ALL of your folders into your Drop Box account? heaven forbid, your computer crashes and you lose all your files on your computer! Well, now you can log into your Drop Box account and download Drop Box onto your NEW computer, and WALA! There’s all your files 🙂

And here is what Dropbox looks like from my phone. All my folders on my computer easily accessed right from my phone! This is the folder I have for the Spring product cards. 




Hope this helps to organize your PHONE and your busy life in 2015. Again, in order to be successful in Direct Sales, you have to be PREPARED! Here’s your fresh start!

If you need to catch up, here is Step #1 to organizing your Direct Sales Business:


Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts

#organize #directsales #networking #dropbox #notes #usefulapps #thirtyone


Step 1: Organize Your Direct Sales Business in 2015

Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions to be better: lose weight, get organized, etc. Well, I’m going to teach you a few steps over the next couple of weeks that will help you get organized in your Direct Sales Business.

And today is Step #1:

I want you to go buy THREE calendars! THREE? Why 3??

Let me show you 🙂

Here’s the first calendar you need. This is for your personal business. I bought it at Office Depot for like $26 or something. Now, a lot Direct Sales consultants think they need a really fancy calendar with pictures, and pretty colors, and stickers, and labels, and dividers, BIG THICK CLUTTER. Yep. She said it. You do not need a fancy planner. In fact, I came to find it distracting and inconvenient for many reasons.

1) It’s not practical. You shouldn’t go ANYWHERE without your calendar. And I don’t know about you, but most of those fancy planners out there are more like carrying a novel around. I was an EC freak before I went to this system a couple years ago. Now I use this nice, plain, simple, boring, thin, lightweight calendar. And I’ve never been more organized. **You can send the hate mail to my assistant. She gets a kick out of it. LOL! Sorry, not funny (ok, maybe a little!). But seriously, you do NOT need anything but this boring old planner. Let me show you WHY.

Here is the outside of my boring calendar and planner. It’s from At-A-Glance, that’s the name brand of it:



And here is why you need it. You open to the week and all you see is what needs to be done. No fluff, no pretty shiny balls and stickers, or pop up pages, or bling…just WORK. It’s called focus 😉 Now let me show you how you can make this calendar, the ONLY thing you need to keep it together!


So you need a calendar that has the entire week in one page. Or, like a book when it’s opened in the picture above.  It has to have 15 minutes time increments for the whole day. Why? Because you need every last space on it.

I typically work from the time I wake up until around 3pm. After that, I pretty much use the time slots as my “to-do” list.  My errands, my stops, take this here, take that there, get this from grocery, process return for so and so, call so and so, pick up copies from Office Depot, etc.

Why is it so important to have that to do list? Because I can sit down the night before and write out everything I have to do. And if it doesn’t get done that day, I simply transfer it to the next day. It’s nice and neat in a list format. It’s perfect. Uncluttered.

Now how do I time block? I use color coding.

YELLOW: conference calls

ORANGE: office work: making packets, making calls, working on something in the office. Personal Power hour (booking, recruiting, customer care, marketing, hostess coaching)

BLUE: working on my Power Hour for my team (new consultants, trainings, GEN0 connects, rising stars, etc)

PINK: anything that has to with a Thirty-One event: parties, conference, C&C meetings, etc.

GREEN: income producing activity that requires me to leave the house. Examples: particular marketing activities like dropping off lead boxes at businesses, picking up orders, dropping off packets or orders, picking up lead boxes, going to talk to potential fundraisers/schools/businesses.

Now when i look at my day, i know what activities I have to leave for, and what I can get done before I have to leave. It makes it SO easy. I automatically know what I’m doing by the color. I can plan easily.

**If I don’t have something on the calendar and I DO it anyway, I will write it in. And then cross it off. Why? Because I’m weird and I like to see all I accomplished. AND…I only have to worry about my mileage once a week. I can go back through, see everything I did, and add up mileage for the week.

The SECOND calendar you need to get is from the Dollar Tree. 


And this calendar is just a regular sized wall calendar. It needs to be hung up in the kitchen where your entire family has access to it. EVERYONE’S schedule goes on this. Basketball practice, choir concert, husband is going to the range with his buddy, date night, ALL of my Thirty-One events (parties, conference, meetings, etc.)

This way, your family can always have access to what YOU are doing…and YOU always have access to what is going on with the whole family. This is imperative that your family stays in sync with what is going on.

The THIRD calendar you need to get for your business is an EVENT calendar. 

I found something REALLY COOL! Every Direct Seller should always know the special events and holidays going on each month. I post these for my team at the beginning of the month.

BUT, here is a calendar dedicated to just that! It is so important to stay engaged with your customers in be in the “know” to stay on top of planning for things like:

National Teachers Week

Nurses Week

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

and even the goofy ones like National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

I got mine in the mail and it is PERFECT.

You can view and order yours here:

And here is the description from the website!

Never miss a National Day in 2015 with this great looking, high quality calendar. Impress your family and friends with your knowledge of when National Ice Cream Cone Day is. Or be ready to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate day. Always stay informed with the National Day WALL Calendar.

This calendar will be a 12″ x 12″ (12″ x 24″ when opened) 24 page calendar with artwork on top and calendar on bottom. The artwork on top will be a photo appropriate for the time of year. Many National Days for that month will be depicted in some fashion in the photo. They will be marked with an asterisk so you know what to look for in each photo. This is along the lines of find the hidden items type of artwork. These beautiful saddle stitched calendars will be printed on 100 lb. gloss paper. This is a limited production run so they will only be available until they sell out. 2015 calendars will ship around December 10th in time for the holiday season .

So there you go. Go get your calendars! And get your 2015 started off organized. I cannot live without my personal and family calendar. And I’m very excited to incorporate the event calendar into this year!


Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts

#calendar #organize #directsales #planner #thirtyone #31 #31bags #31bag #workfromhome

Thank You cards for Direct Sales Consultants

First of all, be honest…do you even SEND thank you cards to every one of your customers? 

Until about 6 months ago, I didn’t! But I feel 100% better about my business now that I am. I know each and every person is getting an estimated shipping time and a THANK YOU for supporting my business.  When was the last time YOU got a thank you card from someone? I bet you can count it on one hand, right?

Why not set yourself apart in the direct sales industry by providing REMARKABLE customer service? Send a thank you card!

And then make sure you’re giving an effort on that thank you card to make a personal connection. The person who orders from you may not know I have 5 children. They may not know that I don’t look like a super freak crazy purse lady stalker. So if I put my picture, and a picture of my children, maybe she’ll be more apt to open an email or respond to a text.

~THINK about everything you do

~Be INTENTIONAL about everything you say

~And be PURPOSEFUL in the way you conduct your business 

Here are my thank you post cards, front and back. I made these from a template on

1 2


Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts
