Halloween Coloring Contest for Some Fun Marketing!

How about a Halloween coloring contest to show some love in your customer groups!

Check out what you can do in your customer groups and I’ll post links to the coloring pages in this post when I’m done! You can find the printables below so you can do the same thing!


Here is the link to the ADULT coloring sheet:

Here is the link to the KIDS coloring sheet:

Melissa Fietsam


Hostess Coaching Challenges

Hostess Coaching is one of the most important things you can focus on in your business.

You do all this hard work to get these parties books and then many times, you don’t fail because of a script or hostess…you fail because YOU failed to do hostess coaching.

When you slack on hostess coaching:

  1. Your sales go down
  2. Your bookings go down
  3. Your recruiting goes down
  4. Your hostess experience goes down
  5. Your “repeat hostess” rate goes down

I could really go on and on…the effects of poor hostess coaching are endless.

So we’re trying something new this month. It’s a different form of the hostess coaching envelopes we’ve previously done.

Here’s the deal:

We’re going to have 5 hostess challenges. All income producing activities.

For each step they complete, they get a gift from me. It’s a very small and inexpensive gift, but COOL!

The biggest mistake you can make in hostess coaching is assuming your hostesses know what to do. They don’t.


JOIN DIRECTLY SOCIAL HERE: https://www.facebook.com/groups/directlysocial/

Hostess Coaching #1:

Challenge your hostess to get $200 in orders BEFORE her party even starts.

Send her packet early and get her talking to people.

I created this post and printable to help mine get started:

CHALLENGE #1: Print this form (or just post in the comments below) your top 20 people. Message them all and let them know you’re having a 31 party that starts July 1st. And then ASK THEM if it’s ok to add them to the party! ONLY 20! That’s it!

All you need is 20 friends to join your party, interact, and have fun!

So your message might look like this:
Hey girl! I’m having a 31 party (all online). Is it okay if I add you to the party to take a look? It won’t start until July 1st but I wanted to make sure it would be ok to add you when it starts! My consultant has a pretty crazy line-up, she does things a lot different than the normal!

CHALLENGE #1: Text me a picture of your list completed or messages you sent your friends!

You can actually print this PDF by downloading it here: 

Hostess Coaching #2:

This one I create in Mad Mimi, a messaging service. Mad Mimi is $10 a month. MailChimp is free. I use Mad Mimi and I created a video to show you exactly how I use it to hand my hostess a tool for Hostess Coaching #2.

She is challenged to send this text message/link to everyone she can and post on her timeline. The goal is collecting orders and getting people added to her Facebook party.

Here is my LINK: https://madmimi.com/s/25966a

And here is the video on how to create your own.

Hostess Coaching #3:

Challenge your hostess to go Facebook Live and ask her friends to join her party. IT WORKS! I’ve had huge success with having my hostesses do this!

Hostess Coaching #4:

Have your hostess send a message to everyone she knows with a LAST CHANCE TO ORDER:

  • Have her text message people
  • Have her post on her Facebook profile
  • Have her send people a Facebook message

Give her the words to say. Hand her a scripted message WITH A LINK to send to her friends. Make it easy and they will do it!

Hostess Coaching #5:

Book a party for 6 months from now with the new catalog.

Now you’re front loading your calendar like a BOSS.

There are MANY different things you can do with hostess coaching challenges, but these are the ones I picked for this month. I challenge you to think about what YOU need to get in your business and revolve your hostess coaching around that.

Happy Hostess Coaching!

Melissa Fietsam,

Hostess Coaching Notes with Shareable Links

Hostess Coaching made EASY!

Check this out!

You can create a NOTE on your Facebook business page to do a series of Hostess Coaching links you can share with your hostesses.

If you would like to view my own NOTE: CLICK HERE

Here’s a video on how to create your own Facebook  NOTE:

What you want to add to your note:

  • Instructions on adding here friends to her Facebook event
  • Customer Specials
  • Hostess Specials
  • Any files she may need
  • Hostess benefits

Using OneDrive for your Hostess V.I.P. folder:

I love using OneDrive for my monthly hostess folder. It gives me a link I can share all month long with my hostesses. It saves me TIME. I can add:

  • Customer special flyer
  • Printable order form
  • PDFs of the catalogs
  • Graphics she can share

It’s all about working smarter, not harder!

When you set all these tools up for your hostess:

  • She stays informed
  • She is equipped on the go with all the tools she needs to have a successful party
  • She can easily access all information in one spot
  • YOU always have a link that is easy to share no matter where you’re at. It’s on your FB business page, so you can always grab it quickly!

Have you set up your Hostess Coaching Notes yets?

Have you joined our Facebook group for more tips just like these?


Melissa Fietsam


Have you joined the Directly Social Facebook Group?

Big announcements coming your way!!

Melissa Fietsam Facebook Group

You’re going to want to be a part of our Directly Social Facebook Group!

Social Masterminds…coming your way!!!


You’re going to see it first!

  • Training for YOU
  • Training for your TEAMS
  • Increase your BOOKINGS
  • Increase your RECRUITING
  • Increase your SALES
  • Increase your SOCIAL MEDIA presence
  • TIME MANAGEMENT systems to put into place
  • ZOOM WEBINARS just for you
  • And MUCH MORE!

oh…the places we will go…

YOU READY?! It’s almost time….

Melissa Fietsam,

Your Social Media Mastermind


Thirty-One February Facebook Party Script

Here is my script for my February parties.

FYI: I am no longer with Thirty-One and I no longer support this company. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy for the things they have done to their sales consultants. This post is extremely old and I hope it brings value to whatever you’re searching for, but…Thirty-One Gifts doesn’t even deserve a mention in name unfortunately. 

I am going to be posting my party scripts 2 months behind, so you can get an idea of posts to use or change up! I stopped posting my monthly scripts because Facebook is cracking down pretty hard! But I still want to be able to show you all what I’m up to.

So this is a 4 day script. I’m testing new formats every month, so you’ll see a lot of changes each month.


#1: Do NOT use my links for any photo albums, they are all linked to ME. And any graphics I share on here are NOT for use. You can use the idea and create your own. But please do not alter or use my photos in any way.

#2: Make sure you’re changing up the wording a bit.

Facebook does not like all of us using the same things (graphics and wording). So change it up, make it your own! And help keep us all safe on Facebook!

#3: I Use Cinchshare to schedule my party posts.

It’s one of the best things I ever did for my business. I schedule all posts for my parties in 30 minutes. So I can be out playing with my kids while my parties are going full steam ahead! Here is a free 5 WEEK trial for you!! Go to www.cinchshare.com and check it out and enter the promo code “CINCHFREE” to get 5 weeks of Cinchshare for FREE. Your business and your family will thank you!

And here’s a video to teach you how to schedule those posts if you need help:

PRE-POSTS (day before the actual party starts):

I start this on February 1st. Then the actual party posts start on February 2nd. The actual party only lasts 4 days, then I post reminders once a day until the 13th of the month when we try to wrap it all up and get orders in.

I typically post 5 times a day during the 4 day event:

9am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, 7pm

On the first day, I do 5 “pre-party posts”. This gives the hostess time to get everyone invited and involved before the actual party starts.

DESCRIPTION of the February Facebook event:

If you’ve never been to a Chalk Couture party, you’re in for a TREAT! And if you’ve been to one before, you’re gonna love this one MORE! LOL! We’re going to have FUN!

This party will last for 4 days! You’ll see some games, some prizes, some organizational tips, some gift giving ideas, and a whole lot of PRETTY THINGS YOU NEED;)

Want to view the whole catalog online? Just click here and you can view it on your phone or computer: https://issuu.com/buymybags/docs/spring_catalog

Be sure to click GOING so you don’t miss out on all the fun and prizes! I’m giving away ONE PRIZE a day during the LIVE 4 day event! And friends don’t let friends shop alone, so be sure to invite your friends too!

February Customer Special: Spend $35 and choose up to TWO Mini Storage Bins or All-In Organizers – in any combination – for $8 each.

Ready to order?

  1. Go to http://www.buymybags.com
  3. Click on your hostess’s name!

Got questions?

Call or text me: 513-225-1775 – or-

Message me on FB. – or –

Send a bat signal into the sky. I’m all yours! And super easy to reach!

PRE-POST (9am): So Here is an example of my Introduction:

Hi there! My name is Melissa Fietsam, some people call me the crazy chicken lady. I love cooking and posting recipes, and it’s mostly chicken. Not as cool as like…Bat Woman…but I’ll take it;)

I’ve been with Chalk Couture for over EIGHT YEARS! I’m getting old! But I have 5 kids who keep me young…NOT! They’re all nuts. But they’re a lot of fun! Sometimes, when they’re sleeping! Just kidding, HA! Their ages run from 3 years old to 18! So, I’m a little crazy. Self diagnosed and living the dream:)

Chalk Couture is simply FUN. And PRACTICAL. And gosh darn it, it gets me out of the house! So I love it and I LOVE to share it! I’m a retired Registered Nurse. I used to work in the Emergency Department and I taught LPN’s at a local college on the side. Now I’m a stay at home mom with TWO jobs that I get to work from home! I’m also a social media trainer and get to travel the country several times a month. FUN!!

TICKET ALERT: Okay, so tell me about YOU!!

Where do you live?

Where did you meet the hostess?

What’s your occupation? (mine is really full time taxi mom)

What’s your favorite TV SHOW?! (just cause i really need a new one…HA!)

PRE-POST (noon):

((to see what I do with the great big giveaway: https://buymybagsblog.com/2016/05/06/best-thing-i-ever-did-for-my-thirty-one-business/))

I can’t wait to show you the new SPRING catalog! Who has been to a Chalk Couture party before and who has never heard of Chalk Couture?

And what’s this FB party all about?

  1. We will have a 4 day event!
  2. Give away some free prizes, over $150!! You don’t want to miss this!
  3. I’ll post lots of ideas for great products and how to use them
  4. And we’re going to help your hostesses earn LOTS of free and half price items!
  5. And just have some FUN! That’s what this is all about, SIMPLE~EASY~FUN!

And if you have questions at any time, please let me know! I ❤ to answer questions


The actual party starts TOMORROW!

FREE PRIZES ~ FREE PRIZES ~ FREE PRIZES: RSVP to your hostesses party and click GOING to this event so you don’t miss $150 in giveaways!

Like I said… the BEST part of this party is that I LOVE to give away FREE prizes and all you have to do for the chance to win one is COMMENT on our posts throughout the party and keep your eye out for THE GREAT BIG GIVEAWAY! Easy Peasy!

PRE-POST (3pm):

((I was giving away $1 lottery tickets. That was annoying and I’m not doing that anymore. LOL!))

FREE prizes EVERY DAY. Did I mention that? Maybe…we should start a day early?!!

Anytime you see TICKET ALERT…you’re going to want to answer! Cause that gets you a  ticket into THAT day’s drawing for a free prize!

TICKET ALERT (this is not a drill…HAHA!): Invite 3 friends to this event, then TAG them in the post below and YOU are entered in to win today’s prize! #HOLLA

PRE-POST (6pm):

Have you SEEN the new spring catalog?? Oh. MY. Gracious. There’s some things you need in there. And I’m ordering right along with you because this catalog was JUST RELEASED on February 1st! Hot off the press!

TICKET ALERT: Okay…check out the catalog and tell me (don’t forget…you get entered in to WIN a prize EVERY DAY for each comment throughout the party):

Your favorite THING you need in there!

Your favorite COLOR/PATTERN in there!


PRE-POST (7pm):

Have you ever heard of Thirty-One? It would be pretty silly not to tell you WHAT we are, right?

TICKET ALERT: A lot of people have heard of us…but do you REALLY know what we’re all about?

Watch this quick video and tell me ONE THING you learned about Thirty-One that you didn’t know before!!

And then guess what…PARTY starts tomorrow! Make sure you have your notifications turned on for this event, you don’t want to miss those daily PRIZES!!

Day 1:


Holy moly it’s almost Valentine’s Day!!

And you know what’s right around the corner?

February 14th-Valentine’s Day

March 12th– Daylight Savings Time

March 17th– St. Patrick’s Day

April 1st– April Fool’s Day (time to start planning something evil to trick my children. HA!)

April 16th– Easter

TICKET ALERT: Tell me what your favorite holiday is? And who do YOU buy gifts for on Valentine’s Day. I do my husband and my kids. And I try to send the grandparents a homemade gift from the kids too.


Check out this video for the CUTEST Easter baskets EVER for $8! When you spend $35 you can get TWO of these for $8 each!! That’s a STEAL!

TICKET ALERT: Tell me which Mini Storage Bin is your favorite


So how can Chalk Couture make your life better? Well, unless you’re THIS guy…we can help you take in the groceries 🙂

Check out our entire line of Utility Totes that will make your grocery shopping SO much easier.

Nothing falling out of your trunk (especially that bottle of wine when you open the trunk…ouch!), no cans rolling all over the place, and only ONE TRIP! BAM!

TICKET ALERT: Tell me which utility totes are your favorite and which pattern!!

LINK TO Utility: https://www.mythirtyone.com/missy78/category/totes?page=1


Let’s play a little game! My customer group is AWESOME and they decided the top 5 things you put in your purse!

TICKET ALERT: Your job is to tell me what YOU think the top 5 items women keep in their purse!

Remember…we’re giving away ONE prize each day! Ready, Set, GO! Person who guesses all 5 first, gets DOUBLE tickets!

Insert link: https://media.tenor.co/images/5f919bd26c193b273c14b10919dbff19/raw

(ANSWERS-DO NOT PUT THIS IN INITIAL POST): wallet, cell phone, keys, pens, receipts


(I created this Facebook live BEFORE the party on my facebook business page. Then I scheduled it into my script with Cinchshare)

I spend the majority of my time in the kitchen. With 5 kids, someone is always starving and I have to cook for an army! So I’m going to show you some ways I use Chalk Couture in my own kitchen to organize counters, underneath the counters, and my pantry!

TICKET ALERT: What’s one idea you would LOVE to have in your kitchen?!

Day 2:


So I’m a sports mom. Anyone have kids in sports or maybe an obsessed spouse? Or is anyone a fitness buff? My boys are in basketball and baseball. So we spend A LOT of time in the car and on the go. My full-time job is really a taxi mom!

But I love that 31 has so much to make our lives easier on the go!

Check out this link to view some of our favorite products for “on the go”.


And then…check out this album full of goodies and…

TICKET ALERT: tell me your favorite thing in this album of pictures I’ve collected for you: https://goo.gl/photos/NXGteFp7cF5yco4Y9


TICKET ALERT: Join my customer group and you earn a ticket into today’s prize drawing!

LINK TO JOIN: insert customer group link

You will be the first to see customer special, company announcements, AND the first to shop from OUTLET SALES!


One thing I love…FOOD. It’s my love language. So naturally, Thirty-One’s thermal line is one of my favorites! We have thermals to fit one person or 10! And I love them ALL!

TICKET ALERT: Check out all these thermals and tell me what YOU use thermals for the most? Ours is mostly traveling, kids’ games, that kind of thing. And of course, my kids use them every day at school!


And here is ALL our thermal products and prints for you to take a peek at!



Check out one of our brand new caddy’s!

TICKET ALERT: Tell me what YOU would use this for!


Ok, where’s my crafty and office supplies girls?

Is anyone here obsessed with planners?

I’m an office supply junkie. I love sticky notes and pens and notebooks and…on and on…

So if that’s you…you will love this album I have put together for you!

TICKET ALERT: tell me:

  1. Do you do anything crafty?
  2. Are you an office supply junkie too?


Day 3:


I am SO over WINTER!! I’m ready for summer! So we’re just going to pretend today that it is summer. Deal?

So in order for you to get ready for your early summer…HAHA!…here is an album to get you dreaming!

I love how Chalk Couture makes my summer FUN and FUNctional!


TICKET ALERT: snap a picture of your weather report on your phone so we can feel bad for the person with the coldest temperature!


TICKET ALERT: Think warm thoughts…What is your favorite place to vacation?

Last summer our whole family went to an RV Park in Sarasota, FL called Sun N Fun. We spent 5 days there and had SO much fun visiting all the different nearby beaches!



So easy! Fill out this quick survey and you get entered into the drawing and prize for today!

Andyou get a sneak peek at what HOSTESSES are getting this month!

((create a google survey with information for them to see and fill out!))


I LOVE to travel! And I travel a lot for both of my jobs. So travel gear is one thing I can’t live without!

I created a board to show you how Chalk Couture can help you travel in STYLE!


  1. One thing you NEED in this board
  2. And are you planning a vacation this year? Where to?



Do you LOVE Chalk Couture and have a wish list that’s bigger than your budget?!

That’s why I joined Chalk Couture! The discount…shhh…don’t tell my boss. LOL!

So I have an AWESOME deal for you!

Get a free gift every single month and have fun while shopping for your entire list on a well-planned budget! Check this out!

TICKET ALERT: Tell me what you think below! And if you join one today, YOU will be getting a goody box headed your way TOMORROW!

((insert a NOTE you’ve created on your Facebook business page talking about joining a hostess of the month club))

Day 4:


TICKET ALERT: Tell me what kind of Valentine’s gift YOU love getting the most?

Are you a jewelry girl, flowers, handmade & from the heart, or a…”just give me chocolate girl?

I’m either C or D!!


Booking incentive, FB Live at NOON


Now it wouldn’t be a Facebook party without PURSES! I have of show you some of my FAVORITES!

And here’s a group of ALL of our purses!

TICKET ALERT: So tell me which one is your favorite AND…are you a big purse girl or a little purse girl?



We’re going to play a little game today…

TICKET ALERT: You get one ticket for EVERY question you ask me!

Ask me ANYTHING you want about my job, bar none, you can ask me anything!

These are the TWO enrollment kits you get to choose from! It’s $99 and comes with everything you need to start your business: catalogs, order forms, mini catalogs, and flyers!

So if you don’t know what to ask and just want to earn a prize, here’s some cheat questions to get you started!

How much do you need to stay active?

Are there any hidden fees?

How hard is it to book a party?

What is your discount as a consultant?

Do you get any free product as a consultant?

Do you have to do home shows?

Can I work my business ONLY online?

Ask away! One person will be winning a prize tonight!


I just wanted to say THANK YOU for partying with me.

Guess what?

I truly appreciate meeting new people and I’m so thankful for the support from all of my hostesses and their friends.  If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. I would be happy to help in any way.

If you’d like to join my customer group, click on this link and you’ll be the first one invited to OUTLET SALES and to know the upcoming customer specials and DEALS!

insert customer group link

This is the end of our Facebook portion, but you have until February 15th to place your orders!

Ready to order?

  1. Go to http://www.buymybags.com
  3. Click on your hostess’s name!

 After this you’re going to want to post once a day for the remainder of the party!

Hope this gives you an idea of some things to work off of!

Next party script I’ll share was a 7 day script and the script was GREAT…but way too long for me! Next month we will actually be going to a 3 day script, and one of those days is pre-posts!

Melissa Fietsam

How to Increase your Sales with Fundraisers

I’m so excited to announce that I’ve teamed up with Cinchshare for a Facebook training!

I’ve been doing fundraisers for about 7 years now in my Thirty-One business. I do them every single month and I can’t wait to tell you WHY!

We’re going to teach you everything from WHY you want to have them and what they can do for your business, to HOW to find them!

And then we’re going to teach you how to make the most of them and FIND them! It’s one thing to book a fundraiser, but when you understand the matrix behind what to actually DO with a fundraiser-you can increase your sales, your recruiting, and hit all those company incentives on a monthly basis!

So if you’d like to join this FREE TRAINING on how to increase your sales with fundraisers, CLICK BELOW to join us this Tuesday!


Melissa Fietsam


Do you SUCK at Hostess Coaching?

I have some really great tips for all your hostess coaching this morning!

If I could say there’s one thing in your business that needs consistent work, it’s hostess coaching. You can have the best Facebook script in the world, the best party presentation under the sun…but if you’re not coaching your hostess-your party is going to FLOP!

I want to show you a few easy things you can do to get your BASELINE hostess coaching done in less than 5 minutes every single month!

STEP 1: Create a hostess group

Create a closed group on Facebook every single month for your “VIP Hostesses”.

In this group, you want to add:

  1. All of your hostesses for that month
  2. A Photo album with some photos they can share of customer specials and such.
  3. Copy of the customer special flyer
  4. Copy of the order form they can print if they run out
  5. Copy of digital catalog (that you’ve already uploaded to issuu.com)

And WHY would you want to have all that in a group?

How many times is your hostess at work and forgets her catalog?

How many times does she send you a message and say, “What was the customer special again?”  “What patterns does it come in?”

Stop wasting your time! And hers! Now you can immediately go to your VIP Hostess Group and tag her in that post she needs. BAM! LIKE A BOSS!

STEP 2: Create some Google Surveys

Every month, I create 3 google surveys for my team.

Hostess Coaching #1: gets sent the day she books her party

Hostess Coaching #2: gets send the day her party starts

Hostess Coaching #3: gets sent 3 days before her party ends

Here’s an example of this month’s Hostess Coaching #1: https://goo.gl/forms/YU0OxSYffCLbvplu1

Once these are set up, all you have to change every month is the MONTHLY SPECIAL! And our whole team has these awesome hostess coaching links they can TEXT, Facebook message, or post in the VIP Hostess Group!

STEP 3: Now schedule some posts

Now all you have to do is schedule a handful of hostess coaching tips into your group for the duration of the party! You want to give them some challenges and schedule those Google Surveys you just did!

Here’s some examples of my posts and how I scheduled them in 10 minutes, check this out:

So tell me below what YOUR favorite hostess coaching tip is?!

Melissa Fietsam


Join my Thirty-One Hostess of the Month Club!

Do you LOVE everything in the catalog and have a wish list longer than your budget?

I have a solution for you!

You can join my Hostess of the Month Club!

What is it?

You join a group of 6 ladies who agree to purchase a $35 order by the 13th of every month.

What are the perks?

  1. You get a gift box on your doorstep with all your catalogs, order forms, and everything you need to get started!
  2. You get your very own Thirty-One Tervis Tumbler in that gift box, just my way of saying THANK YOU
  3. One of those months you will be the Hostess for your group and earn all hostess benefits
  4. You will get VIP access to all Thirty-One information, specials, sales, and much more! You’ll know the goods before anyone else!

Here’s your FUN HOTM box!

thirty-one gifts, hostess of the month club, join, 2017

Are you ready to get started?

Fill out this quick survey and you’ll be on your way!

I would like to(required)

Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts


#thrityone #thirtyonegifts #31bag #31bags #HostessOfTheMonthClub

Lead Boxes! Do you have one for your Direct Sales Business?

I am truly impressed with the Lead Boxes I ordered from Box Full of Leads. Not only was it easy to put together, easy to pass out, and affordable…but they have outstanding customer service! 

I actually started working with one of their lead guys to come up with something that suited our company much better. In other words….they didn’t have anything PINK. LOL! And that’s a crime in my book! So, Eric (at Box Full of Leads) had some new things designed JUST for Thirty-One! How fun is that??!! And they even made the product codes 31…now that’s customer service!

So check out the cool new labels!

31 Gifts Blank Box proof (2) lead box label

AND…they are going to have the one label to the right that is able to be personalized! Or you can buy the blank one and attach a label.

If that wasn’t enough customer service, I let them know the drawing slips they had, really just didn’t fit out “personality”. So we came up with something that would work MUCH better for Thirty-One and direct sales in general!!

I am SO excited about these new drawing slips that fit onto the lead boxes. Perfect for our Thirty-One business. Eric and I worked on these together!:


And here is the kit you can order:


You should go visit their FB page and like’m!


And who doesn’t love a discount? Visit and like their FB page and then type in Facebook Discount at checkout for 10% off your entire order!


If you would like to view the original post where I talked about what I’m doing with these lead boxes, you can view that here:


Hope you all have a fantastic day!! I have some brand new FUN stickers coming very soon! I’ve gone sticker crazy! I’ve seen a huge increase in my home party invitations from these stickers. And actually asked my last home party what they thought of the invitations. So I’m all about the stickers now!


Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts









Thank You cards for Direct Sales Consultants

First of all, be honest…do you even SEND thank you cards to every one of your customers? 

Until about 6 months ago, I didn’t! But I feel 100% better about my business now that I am. I know each and every person is getting an estimated shipping time and a THANK YOU for supporting my business.  When was the last time YOU got a thank you card from someone? I bet you can count it on one hand, right?

Why not set yourself apart in the direct sales industry by providing REMARKABLE customer service? Send a thank you card!

And then make sure you’re giving an effort on that thank you card to make a personal connection. The person who orders from you may not know I have 5 children. They may not know that I don’t look like a super freak crazy purse lady stalker. So if I put my picture, and a picture of my children, maybe she’ll be more apt to open an email or respond to a text.

~THINK about everything you do

~Be INTENTIONAL about everything you say

~And be PURPOSEFUL in the way you conduct your business 

Here are my thank you post cards, front and back. I made these from a template on vistaprint.com

1 2


Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts


