You Are NOT Your Company!

Is your Facebook timeline actually leading people AWAY from your business?

Everyone repeat after me...

I need everyone to repeat after me…you are NOT your company!

A huge mistake I see from so many fellow direct sellers is that they have their timeline profile linked as “I work at this company” and they link the company they sell for. Let me tell you how this is leading people away from you and how to FIX IT!

Facebook has over 1.91 billion people on it. Make sure you’re leading them to the right place!

Learning how to set up your Facebook Business page and your personal timeline will serve you well in the long run!

You have to be willing to learn new things and work smarter, not harder!

Don’t’ forget to SHARE this with your teams so they can do it too!

And follow me here so you don’t miss a beat!

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Melissa Fietsam