My Daily “Power of 3”

Here’s the truth… ya’ll are just making this business too hard!

Direct Sales Homerun

Get out of your own way, stop “thinking” about working your business and actually get out there and work it! Many of you spend more time thinking about working than actually doing anything constructive for your business and it needs to STOP!

I am going to give you my super simple “Power of 3” routine that you can use every day, with actionables that can actually move your business in a positive and profitable direction.

My daily “Power of 3” routine:

– Make 3 new connections daily (meet 3 new people)
– Invite 3 people to look at my product/biz opportunity/booking options/ fundraisers, etc
– Follow up with 3 people
– Do 3 random acts of kindness or appreciation
– Do 30 minutes of personal development (video, book, audios, podcasts)
– Do 30 minutes of “me” time (exercise, quiet time,etc)

Now let’s break down what each of these looks like:

Make 3 new connections daily – in order to grow your business you have to meet new people, you can’t do this business without people! Right? So how are you meeting new people every day?

Invite 3 people to look at my product/biz opportunity/booking options/ fundraisers, etc – how are you getting yourself in front of people and when you do get in front of them, what are you doing that will grow the business? Are you prepared when you do get an opportunity for people to look at what you have to offer? Do you have catalog, host packets, recruiting packets, video links, etc prepped and ready to go at a moment’s notice?

Follow up with 3 people – this should go without saying but are you actively following up on the leads you are collecting? Or  maybe we should actually start with are you actively collecting leads for your business? What tools do you need to be able to do effective follow up. If  you are not doing your follow up communications/calls, you are leaving serious cash on the table.



Do 3 random acts of kindness or appreciation – let me say this as kindly as possible, this business is not about you! And the sooner you come to realize that, the sooner you will start to see tremendous success. This business is about growing people and empowering them to be who they were created to be. It is not about you, it is about them. If you do not like people, you are in the wrong business, my friend. We are a people business and we need to learn to care more about our fellow people. We need to be kind at all times, I think sometimes we forget the sharpness of our keyboard swords. Speak to people like the humans they are, appreciate people for good work or things you recognize in them. I promise if you take the spotlight off of you and consciously start focusing on others, you will see rewards.

Do 30 minutes of personal development (video, book, audios, podcasts) – this is an area that so many of you are literally STARVING your businesses in. How are you filling up and learning new things? How are you getting educated? You need a constant flow of good business building information coming into you, whether it be from reading or one of my personal faves is podcasts. Find a good one that feeds you and listen to it every day for 30 minutes. Throw a load of laundry in and hide in the laundry room with it so you can get your personal development thing ON!

Do 30 minutes of “me” time (exercise, quiet time,etc) – again, you cannot pour from an empty cup, you need to get refilled and sometimes that refill comes from making yourself a priority verses an afterthought. Take 30 minutes a day and you just do you. I personally like a quiet time where I can just silence the world around me for a little and not be while and not be constantly rushing to the next thing. There will always be a next thing, but there is only one of you and you need to take care of you.

Like I always say, keep it simple and do the actionable. Thinking about working and actually working are not the same thing. Get out there and DO SOMETHING with your business every * single * day!

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