5 Ways to Say Thank You

I absolutely LOVE to send Happy Mail to my customers, team members, clients, and hosts.

Idea #1: Dress up the envelope itself:

It’s great to get something other than a bill in the mail. But what if it was addressed:

  • to the amazing…
  • to the beautiful…
  • to my friend…
  • special delivery…
  • to the incredible…

If it’s going to my best friend…it gets a funny note. I love sending mail to my bestie Rupracht. It usually starts with:

Christina Rupracht (is shady)

Just add something funny to the end of their name to give them a giggle!

Idea #2: AliExpress:

There’s a website that is kind of AWESOME! I got 25 adorable necklaces for 96 cents a piece and FREE SHIPPING. There’s literally a hundred thousand items to choose from. Most come in “lots”. So it’ll say $14.99 for 12 pieces…

I hand write a note and add this to the envelope. And you can mail some of these for ONE STAMP!


Idea #3: Get a stamp:

I wanted something fun to be able to stamp onto envelopes. I found this lady’

s shop about 5 years ago or something crazy. She makes custom STAMPS. How cool is that?!

I had this stamp made a very long time ago and I think it just creates excitement when they even see that on the envelope! It’s all about setting yourself apart from the rest of the world, being unique and MEMORABLE in your customer’s minds.

She also has a lot of amazing ideas for some happy mail for your loved ones.



It was $26 for the stamp and she does self inking or a regular one where you use an ink pad. You can order yours here

Idea #4: Check out Pinterest:

I have an entire Pinterest board full of crazy cool ideas.


Don’t forget to join Directly Social for more fun tips and tricks, CLICK HERE!

Idea #5: Uncommon Gifts:

There’s a few websites that I LOVE to order from. Why? Because they’re totally random and weird gifts that you won’t find somewhere else. So these things make me SMILE from ear to ear! Have fun browsing through some of these super fun sites:

Uncommon Goods

Cat Lady Stuff

What on Earth 

Always Fits

Mail a Potato 

Melissa Fietsam, Directly Social