Smile Box- a New Tradition for a Better ME

Smile Box. So simple. So powerful.



I’m so excited about this new way to be thankful, strengthen my relationships that matter to me, and brighten someone else’s day!

Check out this video to see how I’m going to mail one love letter a week for an entire year. And WHY! And then all the instructions and files to make your own are below!

It’s so important to be thankful and not lose touch:

I have to say, I’m a really sucky friend. I don’t keep in touch like I should. I think of them often, I love them like crazy, but I don’t call like I should, I forget birthday cards, and I just plain don’t do a very good job of SHOWING them how much I love them.

I was reading the book 212 Degrees yesterday, and it was talking about doing something helpful or unexpected for one friend a week. And that would bring 52 smiles to the world in a year.

So I decided I was going to write a List of 52. And then once a week I would tell them how important they are to me. That way, even if I’m a lousy friend and family member…I know that at least once a year, the most important people in the world to me will get a hand written note. Something that would mean more to ME…than any birthday card (I might/probably/will forget to send).

So I grabbed my envelopes and list and I got started! Now I’ve set it all up for YOU to make one too! You can print all the files below!



  1. A box
  2. Print these and stock card
  3. 52 envelopes
  4. 52 return address labels
  5. 52 stamps
  6. List of 52 loved ones


Here’s mine! Grab any box you can throw the 52 envelopes/cards into so you can randomly pick one each week. I’m leaving the smiles in God’s hands to let me choose who needs it the most! But I do have 2 I’m starting with this week and next. Of course, I used our Thirty-One your way rectangle cause it was just a perfect for what I needed with this!



You can print this on card stock and cut out a little insert. That way they know WHY they’re getting a letter from you. And it tells them they made your list of 52. How great is THAT? Plus…maybe they’ll want to do the same thing and you can pass this along to THEM! These print 9 to a page.

Here’s your link to print those:!905&authkey=!ANQXvsL1F8VKP_c&ithint=file%2cpdf

9 7


It’s very important to get all this set up AHEAD of time. So all 52 envelopes addressed, return address label, sticker on the back, and Smile Box insert inside the envelope. That way, all you’re doing is picking an envelope and writing a short note, and drop in the mailbox!

I get a box of blank cards at Michael’s Craft Store for $5. Super cheap!

If you don’t do all this ahead of time, you won’t DO IT!


Return Address Labels:

I print my own from home. It’s so much cheaper and saves so much time. I like these smaller ones because they last much longer. So go ahead and put your return address labels on there!

*My labels are Avery 5195



Once you get your envelopes done, go ahead and put your stamps on them. Literally, all you will need to do is right a quick note and throw it in the mailbox. EASY.


List of 52:

oh…this was the hardest. It actually took me a bit to come up with this list. I made this excel sheet because I really wanted to be able to print address labels. And I can do that easily with an excel document. But you can print this and just keep a hard copy of all those important addresses and hand write them too!

Who’s on my list?

I will tell you, my entire family was on here. Including my big kids:)

I have some people that I haven’t spoken to in way too long.

Some co-workers I love and adore.

Some friends I have lost touch with for many years.

And some people I need to step up and be more engaged with in my job. There’s a page and a half to make the 52.

You can print this file at:!904&authkey=!AKlX7XJoL-7CIpo&ithint=file%2cpdf


Smile Box sticker:

This is just something fun I wanted for the outside of the envelope. I wanted them to smile IMMEDIATELY once they looked at the envelope. Cause I know my friends and family…they’re going to worry something is wrong when they get a letter from me. LOL!


So there you go! Everything you need to make your own!


Melissa Fietsam, Ind. Senior Executive Director at Thirty-One Gifts

#31 #31bag #31bags #thirtyone #thirtyonegifts #happymail #makesomeonesmile #USPS

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